Ana María Tárano

I advance geospatial machine learning to address critical global issues.

My research practice is emergent from a design thinking ethos.


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⏳ Bio-Sketch

Dr. Ana M. Tárano is an Assistant Research Professor at Arizona State University (ASU), conducting research on geospatial Machine Learning (geoML) for food security applications. Before joining ASU, Tárano was a Senior Research Associate III at the University of Miami (UM), where she applied geoML for shallow-marine habitat mapping using remotely sensed multispectral imagery. She also extended the NASA Planetary ReaCH public engagement model with art and the design thinking framework as a 2022 NASA SCoPE Seed Grant Awardee. Before her time at UM, Tárano implemented principles of design thinking while applying machine learning in a unique public-facing, real-time context as Project Manager for a conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) installation led by interdisciplinary artist Rashaad Newsome through the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.

Tárano received her Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University. Her Ph.D. research improved asteroid modeling using physics-based simulations, statistical analysis, optimization, and machine learning. This work was funded by NASA’s Asteroid Threat Assessment Project (ATAP) at NASA’s Advanced Supercomputing Division. Her contributions to NASA’s ATAP were recognized by NASA’s Group Achievement Award and NASA Ames Honor Award. Her extensive aerospace engineering experience ranges from leading Stanford’s CubeSat QB50 Discovery to studying space radiation effects on astronauts at NASA Space Radiation Lab.

📰 Recent Projects

Environmental Data Science Innovation and Inclusion Lab: Data Short Course 2024 🔗

April - June 2024

This year’s short course was called: Cloud Computing, Collaboration, and Communication. We learned how to incorporate GitHub (GitHub Classroom, GitHub Codespaces, and GitHub Pages) and Python (pandas, GeoPandas, rioxarray, matplotlib, folium) into our curriculum and existing research model. We applied these lessons to our own research interests and our educational programs. See what I worked on below.

Catalyst Miami: Community Leadership on the Environment, Advocacy, and Resilience 🔗

February - April 2024

This 10-week program provided us with the groundwork to become climate justice educators, leaders, and innovators in our own communities and beyond. We developed a deep and intersectional understanding of climate science, local climate change threats, and solutions. At the end of this leadership program, we worked in teams to propose our own community resilience project. See what I worked on below.

Reimagining Bus Stops as Resilience Hubs in Miami:

🎓 Education

Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020, Stanford University

M.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015, Stanford University

B.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014, Stanford University

💼 Previous Work

📢 Publications

🎤 Recent Presentations

🏆 Awards